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Mirai integrates with Amazon Pay. Activate it now!

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Hotels that use the Mirai booking system now have a huge opportunity to enhance direct sales both on desktop and mobile by allowing guests to pay with their Amazon Pay account just by identifying and selecting the card they already have stored on Amazon.

Mirai is the first hotel industry partner to offer this service to all of its hotel customers on a global basis.

Activating Amazon Pay means partnering with a world-famous platform for secure online purchases and payments. One of the keys to attracting more direct bookings will be decided on the battlefield of payment services. The booking platform that offers the easiest, most secure and most personalised services will earn a decisive competitive advantage.


Benefits for your direct sales

You increase the sense of security and confidence in your direct sales. Making a payment to an unknown hotel is a barrier for all travellers, especially hotels in another country and without a recognised brand. Amazon Pay gets rid of that fear at a stroke.

You make booking easier. Booking is easier for users who choose Amazon Pay, especially when it comes to entering payment details.

On mobile, users don’t have to enter their credit card number, which can be a pain. Booking on a mobile becomes much easier. With Amazon Pay the booking data form can be completed with very little information in just a few seconds.

It differentiates your property. Every little helps. You have to convince every potential customer who is comparing your hotel to your competition. An easy and secure payment system could be the deciding factor.

It differentiates your direct sales: Other potential customers may already have decided that they want to book your hotel and then decide where to book it. Amazon will give your direct sales channels a better chance of being chosen instead of an OTA or other intermediary.

You offer more alternatives to customers: they choose. Amazon Pay is just another alternative. Pay by credit card and send all the data to the hotel, pay online in real time (if you have that set up) and now, pay with Amazon Pay.

How to activate Amazon Pay in your property

This gives you an example of how it works.

Any hotel that is interested should register here and provide all the information required about the company and bank account details. If you need support, you can contact Amazon directly at amazonpayspain@amazon.com.

The standard rates can be found here and are similar to PayPal rates. Special personalised rates will be calculated for all of our hotel customers interested in signing up.